Thursday, January 28, 2010


Of course, there's this:

And then there's this:

Thus ends the search in Fort Wayne for the Elusive Super-sized Gas Station Zebra Cake. It's a quest I embarked on 9 mos ago (thank you, Jen, who not only inspired said search, but helped me keep my sanity by sending me a box for Christmas!!), and I found this holy grail last night. At a gas station on my way home from work. ::chucks the scale out the window::


Jen said...

Hahahahaha! You are so funny Carole. You do make it look quite delicious!

Jess said...

Both are just yummy!

Angie Underwood said...

Love them both!

Jinxie said...

Whoooa . . . really? Super-sized?? That truly exists?

I MUST HAVE ONE!!!!!!!!!

Kim said...

Cute pic of our..ehem..your... sweet baby girl!!

Ahhh the infamous Zebra cake! I'm surprised no one is knocking on your door right now! ;)

Me said...

Very cute baby pick... zebra cake, sounds like I might have missed an inside joke there but I am holding out for the chocolate.