Thursday, January 28, 2010


Of course, there's this:

And then there's this:

Thus ends the search in Fort Wayne for the Elusive Super-sized Gas Station Zebra Cake. It's a quest I embarked on 9 mos ago (thank you, Jen, who not only inspired said search, but helped me keep my sanity by sending me a box for Christmas!!), and I found this holy grail last night. At a gas station on my way home from work. ::chucks the scale out the window::

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Green Day

One of Elena's 'silly balls.'

Monday, January 25, 2010

I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues!

I couldn't decide between my blues today, so we'll go with both!

Randomness at Its Best

Yeah, my mom still has her tree up, but it made for some pretty, albeit random, photo opps!

Another random, but I thought it was kind of cool... Elena had never heard of a marble before, and somehow thought my mom said 'nibbles'. I got a giggle out of hearing her say that I needed some nibbles. :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

It wasn't taken today, but it IS the first smile caught on film!!! ::Happy sigh::

And while I'm at it...

I need to learn how to edit in the worst way, but I loved the joy of this picture!